The timepieces in the Haute Joaillerie Animal World Collection humorously illustrate a variety of animals.

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Jewellery Bestiary

Since the presentation of the first pieces in the collection, Animal World has inspired the wonderful world of Haute Joailerie with miniature frescoes and dreamlike tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolism, represents a fresh challenge for Chopard‘s sculptors, foundry artisans, polishers and gemsetters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the most of shapes, colours and materials, giving life to gold and gemstone animals demonstrating gestures and expressions brimming with emotion.
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Beautiful, mysterious and dream-like animals
The irresistibly mischievous mango-stealing macaque monkey appears to be actually moving as he hangs from a creeper preparing to pounce on other fruits, cleverly represented by moving brilliants. In another creation, a polar bear plays on frozen dial. Three moving diamonds symbolise the crystalline sparkle of ice in the sunshine. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt.

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Animal World Peacock

Chopard is continuing its extraordinary journey on the trail of the animal world, which began in 2010 when Co-President and Artistic Director Caroline Scheufele imagined an Haute Joaillerie collection paying homage to the 150th anniversary of the Maison. Showcasing an impressive jewellery bestiary, the Animal World collection has already made a memorable mark on the history of Chopard and on Haute Joaillerie in general.